The mission of the Appomattox Elementary School PTO is to support students and teachers the best that we can. We present the school with different fundraisers throughout the year so that we can better meet the needs of the Appomattox Elementary School Community. Examples of things the PTO provides are: new playground equipment, resources for students, tokens of teacher appreciation, field trip sponsorships, fun events such as the fall festival, and more! Our repeating fundraisers include Kona Days and Papa John's Pizza Nights.
By joining the PTO you are prioritizing your student's school experience, as well as building community. You can get to know the administration, teachers, and other parents better by working together to meet school needs. Please consider joining us! We are always looking for new members and volunteers. We are also actively seeking new board members. Please contact PTO Teacher Representative Mrs. Kidd at for more information.
We are halfway through November and the PTO has still been very busy! In October we:
Delivered lunch to teachers on the early release day.
Enjoyed a Kona Day with the students of AES
Wrapped up the Fall Fundraiser with the Neon Carnival
Helped to put on the Fall Festival at AES
Thank you so much to all the volunteers who have helped make these events happen!
Looking to December, the Holiday Gift Shop will be at AES December 2nd- 6th. We will be needing many volunteers to make this event happen. We have selected a 0% mark up on items, so this shop is solely for the purpose of providing students a fun opportunity to shop for their families. If you are interested in volunteering at the gift shop, please send us a message and we will send you the sign up link so that you can choose the best day and time for your schedule.
Also in December, be on the lookout for Candy Cane grams the week before break to add a little festive fun to the last week of school in 2024!
Looking to 2025, we are hoping to elect PTO board members for the 2025-2026 school year. We would love any one who is interested in serving on the board to begin attending meetings so that you can learn the ropes for next school year. It appears we will be having a large turn over, so please consider joining the team.
Thank you for your continued support this school year! We look forward to serving the students and teachers of AES the best we can.