The following information items were presented:
I. School Board members received an update on the construction project at Appomattox County High School.
II. Dr. Jason Tibbs provided an update on Business, Finance, and Human Resources. Dr. Tibbs reviewed the following information:
Summer trainings and projects
Student activity funds audit
Open Enrollment
Current open positions
III. Dr. Cheryl Servis presented information on the Virginia state curriculum and testing changes for 2024-2025.
IV. The School Board reviewed the schedule for the tour of schools scheduled for September 26, 2024. The schools visited will be Appomattox Primary School and Appomattox County High School. Tours will begin at 12:00 at APS.
V. The School Board approved the following action items:
Second reading and adoption of revised policy, GBMA – Support Staff Grievances
Revised Student Fees for 2024-2025
Overnight Trip Request
Graduation 2025 location
Surplus items disposal and donation
Out-of-County Tuition Requests
Adoption of the VSBA Bullying Prevention Month Proclamation